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23215462 1363801150409583 3141131972218983503 o

Venerdi 10 Novembre 2017

CSOA Forte Prenestino presenta:
Rouge Sang
, expanded version

Dalle 20:00 in quel del TEATROFORTE

Ingresso Libero!

 SCREENING mythology sous marine, running time 25 min HD

Mythology sous marine is an underwater experimental video art piece shot in the summer 2016 in italy with Nikky as nymph. the video immerses the spectator in a black and white slow motion movie following the body into water playing with light and shadows.
The sound composition was created by Matt Burnett integrating the sound of the water as an underlying sonic element.

AudeRrose is multi-disciplinary artist working with performance, photography, sound and projection. She regularly presents her performances in international festivals.
Her imagery plays with narrative structures, developing dreamy and intimate universes, exploring various forms of interplay between body, images in motion, deconstructive narrations and self-mythology.

Matt Burnett lives in Berlin, Germany. Presently his interests center on the musicality of textured sound, and the composition and performance possibilities presented by the quadraphonic listening space. Prior to moving to Berlin, he lived in Austin, Texas, where among many other things he created and curated a quadraphonic multimedia event series titled Immersion[]. He studied Electronic Music and Composition at Virginia Commonwealth University, graduating with honors.

"Rouge cantato" è una via metaforica che immerge lo spettatore in una performance sognante di ombre, combinando proiezioni analogiche e suoni. Il paesaggio visivo esplora una serie di oggetti rossi proiettati in luce con proiettori e sovrapposizione di diapositive. Lo spazio è pieno di ombre rosse in movimento che diffondono una collezione di oggetti leggeri, tagli di carta, diapositive organiche, composte da collage visivi che si evolvono all'interno di una bolla spaziale. Per l occasione romana, sará affiancata da nikky che apportera luce, distrurbi e alteritá immaginifiche.

Oggi al Forte

10:00 - 13:00
Segreteria Mattina
10:00 - 11:00
Corso di Pilates 2023/2024
11:00 - 12:00
11:00 - 13:00
Acrobatica Aerea Corda
15:00 - 20:00
Segreteria Pomeriggio
16:30 -
16:30 -
17:00 - 18:30
Danza Classica ragazzi 2023/2024
17:15 - 18:00
Micro Circo 2023/2024
18:00 - 19:00
Circo ragazzi
18:00 -
18:00 -
18:00 -
Pub Dodici Detutto
18:30 - 20:00
Zhineng Qigong 2023/2024
18:30 - 20:30
Camera Oscura
19:30 - 20:30
Boxe 2023/2024
20:00 - 21:30
Acrobatica aerea 2023/2024
ror radioabbonamento round s



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